USE psychophysical WEAPON –


     After October revolution of 1917 in the totalitarian Soviet state the cult of destruction, force of authority, bravado ignorance prospered. The Stalin authority derivated in people servility, fear and treachery, lie and envy, later corruption and larceny. Basically the authority had incompetent people with unreasonable ambitions which tried to keep authority, subjecting to repression intelligency and workers of peasants, creating for them Gulagy.

     In the USSR, and later in the Russian Federation, the totalitarian military-political elite bore ideas of management of own people and world supremacy. For these purposes it has obliged scientists of Russia to develop methods and means of the latent remote control by consciousness and behaviour, and also a physical condition as the separate person, and weight of people. For these purposes it was created psychophysical weapon (PPW) which intends for defeat of the probable opponent and for enthralment and destruction of own people. At use PPW there is a full spiritual destruction of the population (people transform in obedient biorobots), full physical destruction (any body or all organism as a whole is put out of action), birth rate sharply decreases (it will be carried out biochemical and technogenicel sterilization of the population), or incapacitated ugly creatures because of genetic infringements owing to influence PPW are born.

     It is possible to judge development and creation PPW on the following chronological facts:

     Pioneers among the Soviet scientists in the field of neurophysiology be academician V.M.Behterev, academician P.P.Lazarev. the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences V.B.Kazhinsky, inventor A.A.Chizhevsky and others. P>

     Since 1960 on 1966 at the Leningrad state university the laboratory on studying the telepathic phenomena under A.A.Vasil'eva's management

     With 1965 on 1975 worked experiments with parapsychology in section of the bioinformation were carried out at the Moscow scientific and technical society of a radio engineering, electronics and communication.

     In 1973 in military circles " have appeared that in an army part - 71592 powerful installation "Radiodream" which could lull the population of the whole city

     27.01.1986. for - 137 was created confidential decision CК CPSU and Council of Ministers of the USSR about development of the program " Management of alive objects, including the person " which in 1987 was submitted to N.A.Ryzhkovu under the name " Creation of control facilities psychophysical a condition of the person and influence on outcome of his decision”. A number of academicians, including, Kotelnikov, sabotaged performance of this program. But in 1987 militarians have launched into an orbit the satellite with the equipment radiation, capable to work in territory, on the area equivalent to Krasnoyarsk Region. In the same year to the chairman of Council of Ministers general R.F. Chanzeverov the package of documents from program " Development of methods and breadboard models of means of remote control psychophysical condition of the person, influence on the mechanism of acceptance of decisions " (term of execution 4 years) was transferred. To deal with this problem it was entrusted to the Military-industrial complex, the State committee of the USSR on a science and engineering and the Academy of sciences of the USSR.

     Within the framework of the state program at State committee the USSR was created the inter branch centre of non-conventional technologies “VENT” under a management A.E.Akimova engaged in researches torsionic and other exotic fields. With help of generators of these fields it is possible to operate behaviour of the person and his physiology. Customers and sponsors of these works were: Committee of a Supreme Soviet of the USSR on a science and technologies, the Ministry of Defence of the USSR, KGB of the USSR, the Military-industrial complex, the Study of Council of Ministers of the USSR, the CC CPSU. The enterprises of developers and executors was more than 20.  

     In the report of centre "Vent" the basic directions of researches it " remote psychophysical influence on armies and the population torsionic radiations and protection of armies and the population from torsionic radiations " are reflected.

      Academian E.B.Aleksandrov in magazine " Search" protests against rich and powerful departments, (prospecting departments of Ministry of Defence, external investigation, KGB) spend huge means during tens years on the closed scale state program on management of alive objects

     About use of results of this program by one of customers writes the newspaper "Chiming clock" from 14.05.1991г. the following :

     " Now we are informed on applied arts of so-called laboratory -12 at operating-technical management of KGB. About them, these means of destruction of health of the victims and in objectionable persons, former workers of KGB of the high ranks have told. Both killed, and have crippled, and imparted illness Parkinsona, and exterminate of people, under a kind lawful illnesses. For that also made this top secret laboratory, and put to supervise it of the checked most up and on all ready comrades, such as former secretary CCC PSU Chebrikov and a member of the Political Bureau Kruchkov

     15.06.1992. patent Galutchinu U.A. and etc. was given on the invention " the Way of influence on objects of an alive and lifeless nature "(13), which provides an opportunity of influence on any essence if its frequency is known. This way influences on the person is realized by development PPW, biological, chemical and technogenic means of different character in various combinations influence both the person in the whole, and on separate bodies, including a brain, in view of the appropriate ranges of frequencies.

     PPW intends as for the possible opponent and infringers of laws, and for the legislative population of the Russian Federation with a view of latent his management psychophysical condition, and as for destruction objectionable and deliberate reduction of the population. Earlier for test of new kinds of arms ranges were under construction and targets.

    For PPW as ranges the apartments of citizens secretly filled secret apparatus and as targets citizens, their children and grandsons are used. Work with targets is conducted by operators from the near apartments and houses, and also automatic means from control centres of people and devices(CCPD).

     For remote transfer influences on a person - target biological and chemical substances are brought in water, food stuffs, means of household chemical goods, sprayed as aerosols and gases, transferred torsionionic, microleptonic and other fields, are put on a body, clothes of the person with use remote syringes, gas carboy, pneumatic-pistols or, manually, at visitings apartments in absence of owners.

    For transfer technogenic influences it is used built - in radiating secret apparatus, controlled by operators from the next apartments and CCPD. Room communications (electroposting, teleaerials, telephone wires, pipes of heating and gas pipes and etc.) and also mobile and aerospace means, cellular telephones and the tiny portable equipment of operators also are used. Operative work is carried out by employees of the enterprises and the organizations cooperating with CCPD (12) with attraction of operators of the next apartments, carrying out audio and video tracking a target. The target with its genetic and psychological codes, the biographical and personal data is connected to computer CCPD. . Against each target- victims the group of operators which accompany with it everywhere operates separate: in an apartment, in the street, in transport, on work.

     The person - target is on the control all 24 hours. Automatically operating consciousness and behaviour of a target, having transformed it in "zomby", use it at programming game situations of various character: Family, service, military, political, commercial, criminal (violence and a suicide, robberies and robberies, murders and acts of terrorism, failures, accidents etc.) . We assume, that the terrorism occurring in the Russian Federation, tragedy in Beslane, failures of planes and ground transport and never-ending war in the Chechen Republic have the state basis with use PPW. For military-medical experiences people objectionable totalitarian undertook build, other people is smoothly irradiated on networks.

     Psychopchysical the state genocide in the Russian Federation is amplified disappears. Victims of psy-processing are completely discredited - them discharge from office with, problems with health are created, fraudalently move from apartments, break families, destroy children and relatives. On people complaining on an irradiation on the basis of the order -133/262 from 30.04.97г. вешают a label mentally abnormal, place in psychiatric hospitals. It is forbidden to centre of the State sanitary epidemiological supervision to carry out(spend) ecological examinations in apartments of muscovites (the methodical letter from 23.06.2000г.) . In medical institutions traumas from ПФО are ignored, false testimonies of analyses are given out. To public prosecutors and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is forbidden to open criminal cases on the facts of an irradiation, mass media to cover a problem of an irradiation of citizens. Now development PPW are made under a roof of the scientific and technical centres and associations and actively used for manipulations with social processes (custom-made murders under a kind of natural death, racket of apartments, the criminal certificates which are carried out by hands "zomby" etc.) PPW frequently fall into in hands it is extreme groupings possessed by megalomania., that conducts to mass terror of citizens. However the list of development of one of the Moscow psychotronic institutes speaks about aspiration of some scientists which " knowledge transform into the property of forces of war, robbery, trade ".

     Development of the psychopchysical weapon and an opportunity management of consciousness of the person scientists of the different countries were interested . In 1990 the agreement between the head of KGB of the USSR N.Krjuchkov and the head of CIA Uajnberg about the joint control above works on psychotronic was made. Works of zomby-metods, managements of mentality and consciousness in the military purposes were carried out in USA, France, Israel, England and China. Interests to these works showed totalitarian states of Asia and Latin America .

     In 1989. The group of the Soviet scientists under the direction of academician V.P.Kaznacheeva participated in the International scientific conference " On experimental medicine and bio-energetics of field influences. " Where the Reference to the public of all world, the governments of the countries and the organizations conducting researches in area bio- energo information " - " both never was accepted " and under no circumstances to not use the received knowledge in evil ". This reference scientists of 20 countries have signed USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Sweden, Russia and etc. (12).

     In 1999 in magazine " Voice of the universe " in article 0. Volkov " The psychotronic weapon is not found " is spoken, that both development and manufacture PPW will be carried out abroad, and we in the Russian Federation have tests for citizens " The western society, the western person are legislatively protected from the directed пси-influence, and we - are not present ". The amendment accepted in 2001 to an article 6 of the Federal law of the Russian Federation " About the weapon " does not operate.The Office of Public Prosecutor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not open criminal cases under applications of citizens for an irradiation. If in other countries PPW it is developed, basically, for defeat of the possible devils, in Russia tasks of management of own people and reductions of its number simultaneously are solved, and for tests on citizens RF of the expensive psy-technologies bringing huge incomes.
     The head of confidential complex CPU ”Energy” Kаnjuca wrote, that psychotronic is the most ominous weapon of mass defeat as demands to provide safety of the person in spiritual, psychopchysic and genetic spheres. The authority in Russia meaningly will carry spend a psychopchysic genocide, having created the international range on improvement PPW, on the citizens without them is conducted also the consent.

     In 1997 J.Lopuchin has published the report " About experiences above the person, informed world community and latent from us with you ". Exist a number of the international programs in which the results received at enterprises WPU commercial and criminal structures are used on the Russian citizens, that contradicts both to the Russian and international laws.
     Application PPW - the weapon of mass defeat conducts to demographic cаtastrophe not only Russia, but also all world community, owing to presence of planetary system " Internet ", radio and satellite communications. The incorporated international psy-technologies which are "attack" on consciousness of the person, it a psycho-physic condition and it legacy. " The Gene of the person " - the program of the International Academy of information will be carried out under aegis of the United Nations. Scientists of all countries were united for researches with application of psy-technologies that conducts to self-destruction humanity.
     For prevention becoming ripe global accidents a number of the international documents on information biotechnologies. 07.05.1999г cabinet of the Council of Europe it was signed Declaration " About the European politics in the field of new information technologies ". 20.06.1999г. " Groups 8 " were accepted by chapters of the states and the governments of the countries the Final document and Communique reflecting a politics of the countries in area energy-bio-information technologies .
     "The Declaration of millenium of the United Nations "      from 08.09.2000      and " the Doctrine of information safety of the Russian Federation " from 09.09.2000      is devoted to same theme.     

     31.07.2001г. is authorized the amendment to an article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation ”About the Weapon ", confirming presence of the weapon and other subjects, hitting which is based on use electromagnetic, infrasonic, ultrasonic and other kinds of radiations. However, as it is told earlier, the Office of Public Prosecutor and the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not open criminal cases on the fact of application to applicants PPW, that is rough infringement of rights and freedom of citizens of the Russian Federation.
     From higher told it is possible to draw the following conclusions:

     1.    Application PPW to citizens of the Russian Federation testifies about the psycho physical state terrorism and a genocide, to infringement of rights and freedom of the population of Russia.

     2.   For prohibition of development and use PPW- the weapon of mass elimination and destruction, association of the international legal and ecological organizations is necessary.

     3.    It is necessary to found the international public control above development existing now, manufacture and use PPW.

     4.   To create the independent international centres of medicolegal examination and the centres of rehabilitation for victims PPW.

     5.    It is necessary to carry out educational preventive work on psychophysical technologies, methods and means of protection...


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