Psychotronic weapon and its aftereffect for Russian people.

N.P.Behtereva   Leningrad 1988г. "The healthy and ill brain of the person "

At planning object worked a principle of   freedom of a choice

. With the help of modern engineering freely it is possible

to choose people for experiments– without their consent


      Sources of development of “an electromagnetic hypothesis of telepathy” ascend by 1892 when English scientific V.Kruks for the first time has proved possible size of frequency of fluctuations at an irradiation of a brain electromagnetic fields. Among the domestic neurophysiology, studying phenomena of " a biological radio communication " - academician V.M.Behterev (a series of experiments in 1919 - 1937 in Leningrad institute headed by him on studying a brain and mental activity), academician P.P.Lazarev (labour" About work of the nervous centres from the point of view of the ionic theory of excitation), engineer V.B.Kazhinsky and others.

      In a basis of a technique of biopower influence by radio engineering means opening B.G.Mihajlovskogo which in middle of 30th years has established, that various combinations of electromagnetic pulses duration from 20 mкs up to 1,25 sek. lays. Repeating with frequency 0,4 - 25 Gz and modulated on carrying radio frequency in a range of average and short waves, influence the separate zones of a brain responsible both for emotional adjust and for work of separate functional bodies. Boris Georgievich Mihajlovsky (a sort. In 1897г.) At the end of 26-th and the beginning of 30th worked as the scientific employee of X-ray institute Crimean наркомата public health services, being a member of the All-Union society of surgeons, the All-Union society of radiologists and radiodens. He wanted to turn the invention for the blessing of the person in the medical purposes. After arrest in 1937 his traces are lost, but probably, he has continued the researches already in closed laboratory NKVD, that it is possible to assume that in 30-years practice of retaliatory bodies included tortures with use VZ - radiations in combinations with drugs. Since 30th years the psychotronic. weapon three totalitarian countries - Germany, Japan and USSR are engaged in development is. The greatest successes in this area are reached with Germany, after route СQ, the basic documents on this weapon get in the USSR, except for that after war to the USSR German chemists who since 1945 for 1954 were engaged in the USSR in development of psychotropic substances and drugs for the psychophysical weapon were brought, and the USSR became conducting country on psychotronic.

      The scientific has offered us many specific ways for management of behaviour, ideas and feelings of the person. It techogenic methods which use: lower rapids irritation, an infrasound, ultrasound, superhigh-frequency radiation (MICROWAVE), torsionic radiation, shock waves.

      We shall consider briefly each of listed above techogenic the influences and as they influence the person.

      At lower rapids irritation - properties various very weak ( are used lower rapids) irritater (words or a picture) which practically are not perceived by consciousness, but deeply take root in subconscious as criticism on the part of consciousness completely is absent. Such influences completely imperceptibly can focus thinking and behaviour of the person in a concrete direction.

      Cores and potential cores are especially subject by such suggestion. It is the most convenient to take root through acoustical and visual channels. On music by means of miksher repeatedly repeated verbal text of suggestion, but with delay in ten - fifteen times is imposed. Words broadcast thus are perceived, as by a deaf person вой, and after imposing become completely imperceptible. At visual introduction in subconscious in record of video film wedge very short (0,04s) fixings pictures of the inspired text or an image, persistently repeated through everyone 5s.

      At ultrasound use, both thermal, and mechanical influences of elastic fluctuations with frequency are higher 100 kGz. Even small intensity of the similar concentrated fluctuations considerably influences cogitative structures and nervous system, causing a headache, dizziness, frustration of sight, breath, a convulsion, and sometimes and switching-off of consciousness. Piercing of the elected sites of a brain by well focused ultrasound is applied to irretrievable withdrawal from memory of any memoirs. The ultrasound is used for suppression of will, oppression of immune system, deterioration of state of health, reduction of the person a passive condition. Pulses of ultrasonic radiation it is possible to stop heart of any person. Thus the death for associates will look natural, at opening a corpse of a violent death it is not found out. Subjectively the ultrasound is felt, how some vibration of a body and bodies.

      At an infrasound the person is influenced with a mechanical resonance of elastic fluctuations with frequencies below 16 Gz, usually not audible. It is considered the most dangerous an interval from 6 up to 9Gz. Psychotronic effects are most strongly shown on frequency 7 Gz, conformable an alpha to a rhythm of natural fluctuations of a brain, and any brainwork thus is done impossible as it seems, that the head will become torn on fine slices. The sound of small intensity makes sick nausea and звон in ears, and also worsens sight and unaccountable fear. The sound of average intensity upsets bodies of digestion and a brain, giving rise to a paralysis, the general weakness, and sometimes blindness. The elastic powerful infrasound is capable to damage and even to stop heart. Usually unpleasant sensations begin with 120 dB, injuring with 130 dB .

      Frequency near 12 Gz at capacity 85-110 dB induce attacks of seasickness, dizziness, and fluctuations with frequency from 15-18 Gz at the same intensity inspire feeling of anxiety, uncertainty and panic fear.

      Superhigh-frequency radiation (MICROWAVE) - this electromagnetic radiation which influencing on the biocurrents having frequency from 1 до35 Gz causes infringement of perception of a reality, rise and descend of a tone, weariness, a nausea, a headache, full sterilization of instinctive sphere, damage of heart, a brain and the central nervous system. Waves actively modulated in frequencies of an alpha - rhythm of a brain, are capable to cause irreversible "kinks" in behaviour, schizophrenia. The MICROWAVES of radiation modulated by speech, introduce the information directly in a brain, therefore people hear voices of operators which work with them, thus anyone psycho working up subconscious is accelerated. As aerials for transmitters of such waves telephone and radiorelay postings, pipes of the water drain and heating, the TV, the phone, the fire-prevention signal system are used. Under influence of the MICROWAVE of radiation there is a weariness, a nausea, a headache, heart, a brain, the central nervous system can be damaged. The irradiation directed the MICROWAVE causes spasmes of legs, pains in ears, burning in soles of legs, рези in eyes, clicks in "hum" to a head, at impacts in a nasopharynx causes cough, sneeze, a cold, aritmia hearts, dumb hands. These are frequencies from 3GGz up to 30 GGz with length of a wave from 1sm up to 10 sm.

      Frequencies from 30 GGz up to 300 GGz with length of a wave от1мм up to 1см strongly influence the central nervous system, result in pathological deviations of internal bodies, the person who is taking place in a range of these frequencies, difficultly supervises itself, these frequencies cause aggression and can push the person on a unseemly act in eyes of associates. This so-called " the not lethal weapon " is very well applied to creation of local wars, for creation of interethnic conflicts.

      Methods psychophysical influences on the person with use beam, radio-frequency, ultrasonic, infrasonic, radiological weapons, neurocomputer technologies were used by the Soviet mode in the past and continue to be used now by special services, criminal structures, a network destruction cults as methods: manipulations consciousness and behaviour down to full replacement of the person; decrease of intelligence and creative opportunities; deterioration of health on genetic (including ethnic); influences on bodies of a human body and management of work of all organism of the person. Large-scale deliberate influence on the population is conducted in a complex, except for technogenic means the chemical substances forbidden by the international convention, gases, psychotropic, neuroleptic, narcotic and biological preparations are applied.

      Our organization has carried out identification of the chemical substances used to citizens, complaining on an irradiation. It was established, that processing of citizens is conducted same special compositions, and, it is made through the broken over blockings in apartments or by entry of criminals in dwellings in absence of owners. The apartment is processed completely: water, floors, carpets, walls, ceilings, furniture, curtains, clothes, footwear etc. Using the newest special equipment, criminals apply the smooth, latent processing one member of family and with a refined sadism of another that conducts to family conflicts, and allows to represent special services and law enforcement bodies victims as psychosicks. Victims with complaints to an irradiation are intimidated by law enforcement bodies threat of compulsory treatment in psychohospital or hospitalized there under compulsion with the diagnosis " a phobia of an irradiation ".

      Conclusions of independent expert appraisals almost on 100 regions of Russia allow to approve, that inhabited complexes where presence of electromagnetic influences is revealed differ the raised death rate and growth of irreversible functional infringements as a result of atypical on current of cardiovascular, oncological and other specific diseases with high densities of born defective children and unmotivated suicides, is especial among youth. Special danger is represented with the used directed radio-frequency fields in modern premises as at repeated reflection of electromagnetic waves from a ferro-concrete skeleton of buildings the effect of the volumetric resonator amazing all living in house of tenants is created.

      For improvement and modernizations the psychophysical weapon for the Ministry of Defence moved and lists of people objectionable or inconvenient totalitarian authority move. It is color of intelligency of our country: writers, artists, doctors and candidates of sciences, the best experts of the USSR and Russia, the deserved politics, sportsmen. Apartments of these citizens transform into chambers of tortures, and at their references with complaints to an irradiation in the state instances, put on the account in psychoclinics or send in psychochospitals. In 80th years at enterprises VPK had not time to change necrologues. First with the help the psychophysical weapon in power people tried to keep totalitarian build, when it was not possible, began to use it for a robbery of the country, people and amplification of the authority. When everything fell, taken away and on sale, this weapon worked without any faults, as hours. There is a question who at this time financed realization of military-medical experiences on our people and an irradiation of all people of Russia?

      In our country basically the "network" method psychotronic influences on the population is applied, thus capacity of the biopower generator through system of filters is entered in household networks of a residential building (illumination, the phone, the shared aerial, radio a network, the security signal system etc.). Advantage of such way creation High Frequencie - radiofields inside a building - power, economic rationality and reserve. Adding in potable water various types of drugs which in a combination to an electromagnetic field indoors strengthen psychotronic influence on people, we have the dying state consisting of people at which the immune system is completely broken and the will is suppressed. Such people also are necessary for our government which very much is afraid of people. Except for criminal power structures, on service our government has still criminal psychiatry which can test on absolutely healthy person all psychotropic preparations and drugs and to make its full idiot, thus there is nothing not answering. Our psychohospitals are ranges for test psychotropic and the psychotronic weapon. Whether for the salary head physicians of such institutions how " institute Serbian, Ganushkin, Cacshenko " will drive about on import cares who pays in it for destruction of people of our country?.

      The state fire inspection to please to special services ignores that fact, that use of household electric systems for input of a high-frequency component is the reason of fires in apartment houses, and explosions of gas in apartments - result of connection of ultrasonic generators to gas and water pipes.

      Uncontrolled application of this weapon in Russia within last 15 years has put her(it) on a side of demographic accident. Now death rate among men in the age of till 45 years in Russia in 5 times is higher, than in the European countries, and on oncological diseases Russia has left on one of the first places in the world. The new generation psychophysical the weapon was created and modernized. For the sake of this weapon people is destroyed. Who will be protected by our Ministry of Defence if because of an irradiation of people, death rate in Russia has reached two millions person per one year. Children are born patients, in this spring set there is nobody to take in army. Men on Russia live till 55 years, in Moscow average life expectancy of men - 52 years, in Saint Petersburg - 54, look, who lays on cemeteries one youth. Our Ministry of Defence and governors have transformed Russia into the country of widows. You see all know, that at adverse ecology individuals of a male first of all perish. So it was incorporated by a nature. The Ministry of Defence creates nuclear submarines, but does not care at all of recycling of nuclear reactors of these boats. The new kind of the weapon psychophysical is created and uncontrolledly will carry out(spend) experiences on in anything not suspecting people, not caring about consequences for peoples of Russia as a whole. In 1996 we were in committee on defense at the president of the Russian Federation and there to us tried to prove, that development of this weapon are conducted in many countries of the world. But any country, except for former republics of the USSR of Byelorussia and Ukraine, have no such demographic accident which is present at us in Russia.

      If the weapon is created in many countries of the world we count, that our people should know about this weapon and be able to be protected from it as in due time to us told about the nuclear weapon. Not clearly, why so all is persistently about it hold back? Only because it is possible to make by this weapon "cooling" of crowd in adverse situations, by creation at people psychophysiological conditions such as a neurosis with prevalence of braking, formation of feeling of fear, uncertainty, the depression, pushing people over dissociation, refusal of harmful ideas and offers, ideological neutralization, reorientation in the necessary direction, rolling activity in стане the opponent and to transition in allies. During elections on sites where the probability of election of the undesirable candidate is great, creation at people discomfortable psychophysical conditions with prevalence of braking, formation of feeling of fear, uncertainty, a hopelessness, uselessness, depression, activization of painful sensations with a view of deduction of voters from voting, failure of elections and as a result in State Duma. One "Unity" is possible to result. If those who stands now at authority think, that this terrible weapon will not touch them and their family they deeply are mistaken. Already now with the help of this weapon наделано a lot of terrible has put - have accustomed to drinking people, a floor of the country have made addicts, break families - a basis of the state, now in Russia it is more than homeless children, than after war, make experiences on there is nothing not guilty people, make by their vagabonds, guys make blue, girls transform into prostitutes.
Who behind all it stands? For whom such country is necessary? If vermins in shoulder-straps and villains from a science think, that it is defense of the country, they deeply are mistaken, this destruction of the country and peoples in itsg living.

      In connection with that in Russia all is ignored, and we count, that all this is connected to very big money basically criminal (these are drugs, pharmacology, illegal withdrawal of bodies, zombies on beer, alcohol), our committee has the civil and moral right to address for the help in the international courts on a question of a genocide of peoples of Russia.

            We count:

  1. Is urgent to create the civil control of development and application the psychophysical weapon.

   2. To forbid to carry out(spend) according to an item 21 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation any experiences in public without their consent.

   3. To the State Duma to develop the law about психофизической safety of peoples of the Russian Federation.

   4. To force militia which supervises 6p. The federal law " About the weapon " to open criminal cases on the fact of an irradiation of people, preliminary having armed militia the appropriate equipment.




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